
A journey in nature nourishes the soul…

Nature is a great healer and teacher, and the more time we spend in it the greater the benefits for all.

After a decade of the corporate grind I decided to hike the length of New Zealand, a 3000km journey that completely altered the way I thought and fundamentally changed the course of my life. In the quiet days of hiking in the wilderness, far from the distractions of modern living, I found clarity, courage and the real me. I also discovered how much bliss can be found living simply with one bag of belongings on your back.

That hike is over but the journey continues as I seek further adventures in the wild and a bit more of nature’s wisdom. If this resonates with you share the journey with me.

Meet Laura

Laura WatersI am Laura Waters, freelance travel writer, speaker,  author and presenter. I am a member of the Australian Society of Travel Writers and the Adventure Travel Trade Association, and have written for numerous publications including Escape (Newscorp), NZ Herald, Australian Traveller, Geographical UK, RAC, Jetstar, Virgin, Outdoor, Wild, Great Walks, Action Diver, Active Retirees and many more. (See portfolio). My writing tends to focus on experiential travel and the great outdoors but I am open to writing about anything!

Adventures: I have hiked 3000km along the entire length of New Zealand, walked 1,000km on the Bibbulmum Track in Western Australia, mountain biked coast to coast across England, sailed 700km up the Queensland coast, scuba dived all around the Pacific and travelled to around 45 countries.

Motivation: Inspiring others to re-connect with nature, leading to care about the preservation of our planet, is a key motivation for me. In 2009 I trained with former US Vice President Al Gore to become a Climate Presenter, giving presentations to hundreds of people on climate change.   I’m also a huge advocate for the benefits of living simply, overcoming fears and following dreams!

“Bewildered”: Shortlisted for the 2020 NZ Mountain Film & Book Festival award.  See here for more info and ordering.

93 thoughts on “About

  1. Angelica Payne

    Hi Laura, I have just finished your book – what an inspiring read! I loved your beautiful descriptions of the landscape and your experiences throughout the hike:
    “Bit by bit, nature is cracking me open, releasing me like a nut from its shell.”
    You are truly gifted, resilient and brave! I recently hiked Kilimanjaro in Tanzania but this journey you have undertaken is next level – well done!

    1. Soul Trekkers

      thanks very much Angelica! Happy hiking!

  2. Shara

    Hi Laura I too have just finished reading your book was very inspiring and very truthful raw with such honesty I am at a crossroads in my life having become an empty nester after my three children leaving home and I have always loved nature and been at one with who you truly are I want to explore and try new things and the trail sounds amazing to have it in my backyard is just an honor and privilege I hope to do it one day will start with some smaller hikes but it’s on my to do list I hope I too find my peace thankyou for sharing your journey and been an inspiration to all ages nga mihi Naha Ora Mai translated many thanks and stay well

    1. Soul Trekkers

      thanks very much Shara! I’m so glad you enjoyed it 🙂

  3. Pip

    Hi Laura,
    Just read your book. Thanks for sharing your story and providing inspiration to go beyond our comfort zones. Loved your insights and commentary about the powerful, healing forces of nature on our souls. Western society has managed to distract us from what’s important – living simply and connecting with the earth. Thanks for the timely reminder.

    1. Soul Trekkers

      thanks very much Pip!

  4. Amie

    Hi Laura,
    I was given your book for my birthday last week to ‘escape’ the Sydney lockdown, and I loved every bit of it. I’m only just starting my hiking journey but you’ve inspired me to dream big! I always love reading about people who think and feel the same way about the chaos that is our modern lives and to know I’m not alone in longing for a simpler life!

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Thanks Amie! Glad you enjoyed it and I hope you’re out hiking soon!

  5. Iris

    In January 2020 I traveled to New Zealand …alone, found this book in a shop in Wellington. Now, more than one year later, in these crazy times…..your book gives a lot of hope that once the world will find back to sanity and reason 🙂
    Lovely greetings from Bavaria

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Thank you so much Iris. 🙂

  6. Ruth Rehfisch

    Hi Laura,
    Just finish your amazingly inspiring book which I borrowed from the library. I have now purchased a copy and recommended it to many others. Thank you for bearing all to us …….This book has changed my life. I work in a money-driven private hospital and have felt quite disengaged with my current life for some time but didn’t know why……Nature and the Environment have always been important to me…..clarity has come through reading Bewildered so thank you……Time to declutter my life and see where I end up……..I know it will involve a sustainable off-grid home maybe in Tassy and lots of wild adventures……….Thank you Laura for freeing me up……..I feel lighter and happier all ready …….

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Thank you so much Ruth for your lovely message. I’m so glad to be of help. 🙂 I wish you all the best with your journey. Take care. L

    2. Cindy

      Read Bewildered till late night and early morning..I just had to keep you company on your adventure. Thank you for such a personal insight, no sugar coating but inspiring nevertheless. I’ve got out my rucksack and boots and despite being in my 60s ready to live a few more dreams again.

      1. Soul Trekkers

        Yay! Get those boots on! 🙂 Thanks Ruth. Glad you enjoyed it.

  7. Sue

    Hi Laura. I’ve just finished your book and it was truly inspiring. I admit to an addiction to long distance trail journals and yours is one of the best and the first I’ve read for the Te Araroa. I’m a bit older but I’ve done the Camino in France and there too experienced the joy of living with a few things. You inspire me again to undertake another long distance trek.

    1. Soul Trekkers

      thanks Sue! Glad you enjoyed it and yes, long distance hiking addictive. I am itching to hit the trails again too. Happy trails 🙂

  8. Russ Holland

    Literally finished Bewildered this morning. Two days and done. Couldn’t put it down. Inspiring. I loved that it wasn’t just a journal of tramping but a life journey. We moved to NZ from Aus just in time for Covid19! And it has been several weeks now of figuring out what we are going to do now we are here. Neither of us has a job and that’s going to be tough here for a while. So turning to nature and what it might be able to do for us, following a passion for the bush, tramping, mountaineering and the natural world. Sharing our love of this beautiful earth …..somehow…thank you for sharing your story!

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Thanks Russ! Gee, tough timing to move to a new ‘hood. Best of luck finding your feet. But in the meantime, enjoy that beautiful NZ countryside! cheers L

  9. Katrine Lee

    Just finished your fabulous book “Bewildered”. Feel uplifted and inspired by your adventurous spirit and beautiful writing. Helped to lift me out of “Coronavirus blues” and prompted me to remember my own adventures in nature (not as extreme as yours). Thank you for sharing your story!

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Thanks so much Katrine. Glad you enjoyed it and that it helped you in these difficult times. x

  10. Wendy Johnson

    Hi Laura,
    Great book. Congratulations on your amazing walk too.
    I’ve lived my dream too and written about my adventures. Its amazing how following your intuition always leads you on the right path and gives you so much more confidence in yourself and your journey.
    Dreams, Mysteries & Magic

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Yes! Listening to your inner voice is the way to go. Thanks for your kind words Wendy.

  11. karen

    Loved your book 🙂

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Thanks so much Karen. 🙂

  12. kaye Palmer

    I’ve just finished reading your book ‘Bewildered’ and loved it. Your transparency about your personal journey in simply being real and connecting with the ‘real you’ and in overcoming anxiety made it powerful and inspirational.

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Thanks so much Kaye. Glad you liked it. 🙂

    2. Niki McDonagh

      What a fabulous, transparent, honest, brave and inspirational book you have written Laura. Similar to your other readers, I devoured each page, soaking up the images you so vividly painted for us. You made me feel like I was walking side by side you exploring the questions of life that can only be attempted with time and freedom. From a woman of similar age and interests you have inspired me to follow my own path just that little more. Congratulations on publishing a FABULOUS novel!

      1. Soul Trekkers

        Thank you so much! I love to hear when my story inspires others to follow their own path. Thanks again 🙂

  13. Mike Round

    Hi Laura! I think that you have written a great book! Once I finished reading it I found myself going back even days later to reread bits at random. You’re company was hard to leave! I loved the encouraging email you got from a friend (p.10 -What a friend!). I’m with you on people trying to make nature look better than it is (colour boosting) as if it’s not already amazing enough. Your words of anguish when you touched down in civilization again only to read of the inhumanity and the obsessive consumerism were really strong. You had some lovely descriptions of landscapes and people, and on the latter I got the strong impression that a lot of blokes need to lift their game, and in more ways than one! Thinking that you are part of a team only to find exclusion is a terrible thing. I know about anxiety attacks and truly hope that you are now far less subject to them. Your friend was right! You are a ****ing legend!!!

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Thanks so much Mike! I really appreciate it. Thankfully my anxiety is pretty much gone these days. The only thing that might make it bubble up is if I feel out of control in my life or unhappy about something. But now I know that I AM in control of my life and I can change things if required to make them better. Thanks again and all the best with your journey. L

  14. Brian

    Walked from Boyle to Boyle village yesterday in over thirties temperatures. Extra ks as Anne hut was full of Europeans doing the “TA” so I walked on. It was tough. YOUR WRITING HAS INSPIRED SO MANY. Great people. So many different attitudes. All positives. Absolutely brilliant stuff made better by the fact I had last eaten at Anne hut. That is another way of learning about oneself I guess. Thanks. The sandflies miss you.

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Haha, damn those sandflies! Thanks Brian. Wow, I’m amazed Anne Hut was full – that’s a big one.

  15. Louise

    I’ve just finished your book – it’s inspirational!! As a Kiwi I never spend much time in my own wilderness – planning my first small walk when I get home end of January – gotta build that fitness 🙂

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Thank you Louise! NZ is such a stunning playground – make the most of it! 🙂

  16. rach summers

    Oh Laura, what a rare gem you are! i just read the last page of your book and really wanted to tell you, thanks so so much for being you, and the story! i feel like i have just been out there with you, you captured me…your book and writing, just brilliant. my favourite page is 234-235…that is the best feeling to have on a trail…had it too. i am in tassie and hiking is my hobby, a lover of solidarity really. if you come down id love to head out with you. the south coast track is still in its raw beauty..not sure for how much longer but i think you would love it. please write more! and i feel encouraged to be the real me more…thanks to you. gosh, thank god girls like you exist! thanks so much again. All the best, rach, another trying to be wildly free????

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Thanks so much Rachel! I love receiving messages like this. So glad it made a positive impact for you. xx

      1. Mike

        Hi i live on Waiheke in nz just read your book bewildered it was vey enjoyable and well writen.

        1. Soul Trekkers

          thank very much Mike! Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

  17. Rosey

    Just finished reading Bewildered, thank you so much for taking me back to my beloved Aotearoa. Each page brought back memories of my own journey along the trail, and reignited the spark that the monotony of the daily grind often extinguishes.

    I was beginning to feel anxious about quitting my job in 2 months to start my PhD in coastal science, everyone was saying I was mad – “but you’re a mother now”, “but what about your mortgage”, “but you’re too old”, “but why?”. Your book silenced those doubts and reminded me of how important it is to journey down new paths, discovering ourselves as much as the natural world around us.

    If you ever find yourself in Newcastle/Port Stephens NSW, it would be lovely to thank you in person for taking me on this journey, and show you some hidden gems along our coastline.

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Yessss. My work here is done. Thank you Rosey and so glad the book helped clarify your path. Yep, listen to you gut and good luck!

  18. Simon Sawers

    Hi Laura – I’ve just read your book Bewildered and having finished the Te Araroa Trail myself in March this year totally relate to the company, the scenery, the hardships and the trail that you describe. What I really like is your summary in the final chapters about the healing effects of nature, following your passions and escaping synthetic life in cities.
    Give me a shout if you’re ever in Europe as I live on the edge of the Cairngorms in Scotland and you’re very welcome to visit.
    Good luck in your future endeavours,

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Great, thanks Simon! Glad you enjoyed the book and congrats on completing the TA. Scotland sounds fab for hiking (once you get past the midges apparently!). Thanks for the invite 🙂 Laura

  19. Jennifer Morton

    Hi Laura! I finished your book today and wowee, what a ride! I loved it so much. Thank you for writing it and sharing your inner thoughts. I can totally relate to all of it (well, not the hiking part, but the anxiety and fear parts). I’m not much of a hiker but I’m keen to give it a go – I’m a searcher so maybe what I’m so desperate to find will be found in the woods. I love reading all the amazing comments here!! It was lovely to meet you in Cairns. I’m sure we’ll cross paths again someday.

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Thanks so much Jen! Glad you enjoyed it and yes, great to meet you too! Hope to see you again soon.

  20. Peter P

    Hey Laura,

    Bought your book at 7.45am at Cairns airport, finished by 2.45pm same day on Hamilton Island. Could not put it down.

    Masterful how you wove the physical hike with your fears, hopes, dreams and realisations. Well done!

    After a 14 year marriage breakup, your book helped see what my ex may have felt. Valuable lesson for my next relationship. Also, just bought an Aarn day pack to start getting into nature again. Also thanks to your book.

    Plan to ‘tramp’ a New Zealand trail for my fiftieth next year. Can’t wait.

    All the best, and if you need somewhere to stay if in Cairns, let me know.


    1. Soul Trekkers

      Thanks so much for your message Pete. Glad you enjoyed the book and it helped. Good luck with the journey.

      1. Greg Sheehan

        Hey Laura

        Such an awesome book! Thank you for writing and sharing your experiences and perspectives.

        The book is beautifully written and touches on something that often lies buried for so many, hidden by layers of ego and the stories we tell ourself. You unlock so my much in this book and help people find the real treasure.

        Keep up the passion and adventure.

        Cheers Greg

        1. Soul Trekkers

          Thank you so much Greg! Glad you enjoyed it 🙂

  21. SamanthaK

    Hey Laura, did you use a specific computer or software to write your book ?
    Cheers, Samantha.

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Hey Samantha, just a word document 🙂

  22. David

    I just want to say Thankyou for your book, Laura Waters.

    1. Soul Trekkers

      you’re welcome David! Thanks for reading it.

  23. Terry

    Hey Laura, I literally just finished your book. Bought it a few days ago when I found out about it. I couldn’t put it down. I have done some long distance walking and am always on the look out for bushwalking stories. The thing that struck me about your story was the balanced description of life on the trail and the interweaving of your personal story. The way you did it made both aspects of the story interesting. The emotional resonance of the story felt authentic. I don’t think I have read a biographical adventure account that has done that so well. Hats off to you. Thanks for stoking the fire. Terry

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Thanks Terry! Glad you enjoyed it. If you have a moment I’d really appreciate it if you could leave a review on Goodreads or Amazon. Cheers and good luck with that stoking that fire! Laura

    2. Stephanie

      I loved your book (agree with the previous poster that it’s the perfect corona read!). I’d love to do this walk some day, for now I am focusing on doing multi day hikes with my three daughters to instil the independent spirit and connection with nature that you describe so beautifully.

      1. Soul Trekkers

        Thank you! And great to hear that you’re setting your kids up so well for the future. 🙂

  24. Pooja Rajput

    How would I get a copy in India ?

    1. Soul Trekkers

      Hi Pooja, the book is available in hard copy from Book Depository or e-book on Amazon. Cheers

    2. Andy

      Laura, your book was a delight and over consumed in two sittings, hard to put down. Inspired to walk the trail more than ever. Thank you.

      1. Soul Trekkers

        Thanks very much Andy! Glad you enjoyed it 🙂

  25. Marian campbell

    Hi laura
    I’m intending to walk the TA in 2019 so early planning. Can I have a copy of your book when you go to print please. Love your writing and great Web site.
    Have to get life out of the way first. I’m 64 and have no fears about age so hope my confidence in my strength comes to fruition.
    Yours in trekking

    1. Thanks Marian! I’ll let you know when its out. Cheers. (I’m getting a sign up button added to my website but until then, you’re noted! 🙂 )
      Happy trekking! Laura

  26. John G.

    Just me watching you, still have many happy memories of cycling together. Such a long, long time ago.

  27. Marcelle Krieg

    Hi Laura
    Sounds like an awesome journey and a beautiful way to grow as a person. Love that you’re using an Aarn pack as I have 2 myself. I’d love to do some NZ walking and was wondering what a good starting point would be. I’m off to do 2 weeks of the Bibb track in WA tmrw as the wilds are calling.

    1. Thanks Marcelle. Yes, I LOVE Aarn packs! And I want to do the Bibb too, I hope you enjoy yourself over there. Gosh, where to start re hiking in NZ… there are so many amazing options. I guess it depends on how hard you want it to be and how long you want to hike for. Perhaps have a look at the photo albums on my Facebook page – they will give you a few ideas. I really enjoyed the Hump Ridge track in FJordland (3 days) recently, or the Travers Sabine circuit in the North of the South Island is a spectacular 5-6 day trip. So many choices…
      Enjoy the Bibb!

      1. Marcelle

        Hi Laura
        Thanks for the tips. I could do any length up to 10 days on my own. I haven’t done much solo Hiking but I’m really bursting to do lots ( er except The Camino) . Tmrw I fly out to the Bibb. I’m so excited!

  28. Hi Laura,
    Found my way here via Wild issue 153, very inspiring, well done. Was not aware the Great South West Walk even existed. Look forward to hearing about your next adventure!

    1. Thanks Dan! Yes, I hadn’t heard much about the GSWW either before I did it. It deserves greater recognition but nice to enjoy it while the numbers are low now 🙂 The blog is a bit slow at the moment since I’m concentrating on finishing this book I’m working on but you can see what mini adventures I’m on via Soul Trekkers on Facebook. Cheers and hope you’re enjoying your own adventures! Laura

  29. Sam

    I’ve just read your article in Wild Issue 153 and your comments resonated strongly with me. I was recently looking through my NZ tramping guide, doing some dreaming and reminding myself of the amazing walking over there that’s relatively accessible for us Aussies. This lead me to searching the net for longer walks and I discovered the Te Araroa trail. I’d love to do it some day…… Great article Laura. I’ll be keeping an eye on your website.

    1. Hey thanks very much Sam. Glad you enjoyed it. I get so much sustenance from hiking. I hope you enjoy whatever trails you end up planning and doing. My blog updates are a bit sporadic at the moment as I’m working on finishing a book about Te Araroa but if you follow Soul Trekkers on Facebook you’ll get more regular updates and maybe a few more hiking ideas! Cheers. Laura

  30. Just got started with my hiking blog ( well I write but hubby dictates!!) and we would appreciate the list as well, email below.

    1. Hi Shelagh, its all on the Gear page of my website now. Cheers

  31. Lorrie

    Would be very interested in your list as well, please email

  32. Gayle

    I would be very interested in your packing list also. I am just getting into solo long walks and am trying to further lighten my load . I am planning the Great Ocean Walk but like the Portland one too. Thankyou for your detailed report . Snakes are my biggest fear and your comments about your encounters have alleviated that one☺

  33. Jennifer

    I am currently training for a 500klm walk through Ireland in June/July 2016, my younger sister has decided to join me. I have also promised to raise $5000 for Cancer QLD and nearly there. I have started to train seriously and people keep asking me if I am training with a friend. They get a little disturbed when I say I prefer to walk on my own – gives me time to think and solitude early in the morning is the best start to the day.

    1. Hi Jennifer, its nice to walk with company but there are certainly benefits to walking on your own too. I think its like a meditation. i wish you all the best with your mission and will send that gear list off to you as requested. Cheers, Laura

    2. Jills

      Howdy from NZ. Since my very messy separation 2.5 years ago, my uni buddy who had done TA North Island with her ex ( we each broke up with our ex’s on the same week) has re-introduced me to tramping. We did Abel Tasman in early 2018 and Heaohy Track last summer. I’ve been inspired to consider stages of doing the TA South Island with my track buddy, who fell and blew her knee on the Waiau Pass three summers ago, attenpting the TA South Island solo. Much inspired by your travel memoir… its beautifully crafted; I’m 40,000 words into mine! Yours reminds me of the classic solo by an American woman some years ago on the Pacific Trail. Looking forward to reading some more of your adventures.

      1. Soul Trekkers

        Wow, well hiking is the cure-all (except when you blow your knee out!). Thanks and good luck with your book x

  34. Hi Laura

    Just discovered your fantastic blog and article in great walks. I would love to chat with you about your adventures and gear in particular. We are a new outdoor gear store specialising in lightweight equipment. Please check our website http://www.50days.com.au . Look forward to hearing from you. Bill

  35. Can you give me a list of exactly what went into your pack so that the total was 12kgs. I like the sound of that and could use your experience.

    1. Sure thing. I’ll email it to you. There are people who do it lighter but I get cold easily so I didn’t scrimp on layers!

      1. I like the sound of 12kgs too, love to get the list…

        1. Hi Mary-Ann. I’ve just emailed it to you. I’ll be uploading this on the website soon too.

    2. Jennifer

      I would also like a list of this list if possible

  36. Kerry Bannah

    It was so good to meet you Laura. Really enjoyed reading your journey. Courageous & Inspirational. Enjoy your next adventure. Will look forward to reading your posts.
    Safe travels
    Kerry (Pete’s sister)

    1. Hey thanks Kerry! Great to meet you too. We’ll certainly keep you posted on the adventures to follow! 🙂

  37. Huw Williams

    Hi Laura
    Really good to meet you in Wanaka. I’m now in FJ. Probably walk up to the glacier tomorrow if the weather is good.
    Best wishes
    Huw Williams

  38. Hi! I am planning to run Te Araora a couple of years from now. Is it possible for me to ask things about TA trough email.
    My email is: micke@startblock.se
    If it is OK for you please send me a email.
    I wish you a Happy New Year.
    Best Regards
    /Mikael Christenson

    1. Hi Mikael, I hope those answers on email helped a bit. Good luck with your preparations. I’m sure you’ll love it!

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